Genset Malaysia

100kVA Generator

100kVA Genset Rental & Sale

The 100kVA Generator is one which is considered a medium-versatile generator. The weight of this generator is about 3 tonnes and its engines are large enough to produce power that can power up to 3 bungalows at any one time. It is suited for construction sites mostly because of its sheer power for power tools such as air compressors, cement breakers and water pumps. It can also be placed on vessels and act as a marine generator so that it can supply electricity to ships whenever their ship generator is down.

Because of that, the 100kVA Genset is one of the favourites for many users. Whether it is for the aforementioned reasons, it is also suited for events rental. Events typically require generators for a few days. However the power required can be as large as this 100kVA genset. This is because events require to power their PA system which could be huge, lighting and fans for the tents, projectors, TV screen and air conditioning.

If you require to rent or buy a 100kVA generator, call us below:


Call : +6016 2123 833 now!